MELBOURNE, Australia, May 2023. Studies performed at a world-renowned Australian medical institute for Infection and Immunity in Melbourne Australia, have discovered certain unique Australian grown garlic varieties demonstrate antiviral activity of up to 99.9% efficacy against certain respiratory viruses.
The new and exciting research, commissioned by Australian Garlic Producers Pty Ltd (AGP), involved laboratory testing of their Proprietary Ingredient SupaG garlic, extracted from exclusive Australian grown garlic varieties. The results came as a major breakthrough, with the findings from specific garlic varieties proving to inhibit two of the world’s deadly viruses.
The most efficacious garlic varieties and their extracted Proprietary SupaG garlic oil will be commercialized by Australian Garlic Producers Pty Ltd (AGP) under its Trademarked “SupaGarlic” brand of garlic products. The novel garlic extraction process is subject to a recently lodged International Patent.
The findings come as a global first – over the centuries there has existed a widely held belief that garlic in general had superfood qualities. This new research demonstrates that these qualities can vary significantly depending on garlic variety.
Announcing the findings today CEO of Australian Garlic Producers Pty Ltd (AGP), Nick Diamantopoulos said the results were ‘very exciting and proved his long-standing belief that ‘not all garlic is created equal’.
‘Over the past 25 years we have collected over 309 garlic cultivars from around the globe. Our extensive R&D over many years with leading Australian universities and institutions, has shown that garlic varieties not only vary in their agronomic and physiological properties, but also in their biochemical properties. This type of detailed analysis is the key reason that has led to the identification of unique and specific garlic varieties with superior properties that we have branded SupaGarlic.
The organisation harvests 100% Australian grown garlic - with farms located across the Northern Territory, South Australia, New South Wales, and Victoria.
Australian Garlic products and SupaGarlic supplements will be rolled out in major supermarkets and selected pharmacies.
Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine. Always read the label and follow the directions for use.